=30th July 2006=
A day that I had been looking forward. Coz, my baby is on his way back to Singapore. He is boarding on sq865 at 6.40pm ans will be reaching at 10.10pm at Terminal 2.
Without hin around for nearly a week, nearly "kill" me. I could not get use of not having him around. Especially on weekends. I felt so lost. Lucky for me, I have a group of vollyball kakis... Hee... I went down to the beach to have some vollyball games before going to the airport. Oh gosh, half of the day was raining. Ultimately, I still got myself burnt. Find it amazing?? I think so too.
Ssb is no longer at siloso beach. In the meantime of waiting for the new place to complete the renvoation, they had moved over to Tanjong Beach for a temporary of 2 months. Oh no... Getting there is so inconvenient!!!! Worse was that, there is no proper toliet!!! Bathing after the games will be a problem. I had to take the beach tram to Dolphin logoon in order to have myself showered. Troublesome!!!!!
Time flies... Soon enough for me to go to the airport to fetch him. Is my first time of fetching people from the airport.
I am glad that all the instruction of getting to the airport is clear. Guess is fortunate to live in Singapore. The instruction is clear, no tourists will be "lost". I thought I will be dead as I'm a person w/o any sense of direction. Phew... I reached there in 1 piece. Heee...
Waited anxiously at the airport. Keep starring to the gate for the familiar figure, my baby. Guess my neck grow a few more centimetres of looking around for him. Hahahahaha.........
FINALLY!!! MY BABY IS BACK!!!! I cried. But all those tears are wipe quickly. Don't want to let him know about it. I am very very happy that he's back. Really missed him badly.
Made him a present. Hope he likes it.
Baby bought me a Espirit bag and a bottle of exfoliating salt from Bodyshop at Hong Kong. The design for the bad is not available in Singapore. Heeee... I was suprised as baby did mention that things at Hong Kong is not cheap. Surprisly, is was expensive than Singapore. Nevertheless, he still buy presents for me. Really appreciate that!!!
tracy blogged on 12:27 PM
=16th July 2006=
 =Logo of the T-shirt from Ripcurl=
Welcome to the annually beach vollyball competition.... This year round, there's no competition held from Quicksilver, whereas it was held by Ripcurl instead. Erm.. The goodie bag was not pretty excellent. Guess goodie bag from Quicksilver was better. And we no longer played the competition at ssb. This time had changed to Palwan Beach. Wow!! The sand was damn rough. Not very suitable to play vollyball. Worse was... THE WEATHER!!! The sand was so hot that even the players have to wear either shoes or socks to play. Isnt it ridiculous??
By the way we lost in the competition. When I will be able to win a trophy/medal back????
=My team mates for the day=

=Nuahz who participate in 4-on-4=

=What numbers had you guess???=

Weather was bloody hot!!! In fact, today we need to celebrate Lifang and Qiwei Birthday. But due to "unexpected" circumstances... such at last minute, Lifang said that she need to go back for her grandma birthday celebration. What de?? So, I guess the post-celebration for her was cancelled.
So, baby and I decided to go back and had a little nap before we head to his club to have Japanese Buffet.
While we were on our lala-land... Weixiang,(Baby's Buddy) called. So, baby had asked him to join us to dinner. Tracy and GuangHao wanted to join in too. But when we reaached Weixiang's apartment, they were still at Sim Lim Square buying stuff. Couldn't manage to afford to wait for them. So, at the end went ahead to the buffet without them. The air-con of the restaurant was damn strong. Guess it purposely turn the temperature very low in order to avoid people staying very long. Cox they need the tables quick and had a fast turn-over rate. (This is what I had guessed). Otherwise why switch on the bloody air-con for so low. Is really damn freezing. No joke man. Overall, the food was not bad, not much of variety to choose from. But what matters to me was the company that I had. Baby, because you are there...!!!
Have a tiring day.... Aching everywhere.... ....
tracy blogged on 4:02 PM
=12th July 06=
Was celebrating Shih Jia's farewell lunch for her in the office. After working in KH for 3 years, she decided to further her studies at NUS. From the compnay point of view, of course we feel relecant to let her go, but at another view, furthering her studies is also good, is for her enrichment in Food Technology. And her dreams come true.
Went "shopping" at 11.15am, to fetch for foods like KFC, Sakai Sushi, noodles, fried rice and drinks. Time passed so fast. If I didn't remember wrongly, 2 years ago I was still undergoing student internship with Keith Harris (KH). But now, I'm officially part of the family. At that time, Shih Jia was my "shi jie" for the segment of Quality Control (QC). But now, being as her colleagues for not more than 2 months, and she's leaving.
Guess people change over time.... The closeness with her is no longer there. Or maybe there is a slight misunderstanding between us which I shall not disclose it here. Guess is way too long for me to explaine what actually happened. No point!!!
Many people will step or leave footprints in the life, is up to us to decide which are the memorable ones to keep it in our hearts! People come and go... Is normal, I guess....
Maybe I had changed over the years. The thought of settling down next year, wil change my way of speaking or the way how I deal with things. Settling down, there's alot of commitment involved. All my peers around my age is like still either schooling or just step in the working society. I couldn't be as KIDDISH as before. Guess no more of that anymore. Once I have settle down, family and husband will come in my top priority!!!! Responsibilites come with great power!!! Find that familar???
Many things will be coming and I am definitely looking forward to my BIG DAY!!! I'm the prettiest!!! Heee... *Grin*
tracy blogged on 9:04 AM