What I have done for today???
->Go Ikea to view furniture with baby. ->Go to RELC for my payment for EPT. ->Meet up Justin for movie @ Cineleisure (The Myth). ->Meet up Jeannie n Jessica and the rest @ TCC to chill out.

We have lots of laughter and photos taken at tcc. Think we chill till the cafe closed. Isnt that too late? Tml still have to report for work. Haiz.. Cant bear to leave them as we hardly get the chance to have the time to chill out.
Justin and baby took cab home and as for Jeannie and me, we took a car ride from Jessica. In between the ride home, Jeannie took over. Come on... She dun hv license leh!!! I don't want to die so young!!! Help!!!! But she is steady leh.. Hmm... Maybe next time I should give it a try.. Hor? Who knows???
tracy blogged on 1:47 AM
Finally, finally, finally... The day that I can have the chance to see all the girls that can play beach vollyball well.
Weather is exrememly hot. Guess we drink more than we eat. Some of the players even wear socks to play.
Before even the competition start, my stomach is full of butterflies. I cant stop myself from getting nervous and yet excited. Oh no!! That kind of feeling is hard to explain. Jeannie is the one who keep on telling me that "Hey, after all, is just a competition, if we lost, just take as it is." She keep on comforting me. Lucky, she is there for me. Coz, even if we are nervous.. We cant show it to the opponents, so hard.. Real hard...
But after all, we lost. Some of the angle balls I still cant received it well, caused Jeannie has to run for the ball. First touch is not good, still need to train more, spiking is also not good either.
But we have lots of fun taking photos....

=Jeannie and ZhenRu=

=Formal Pic=

=Lesbians kisses=

Have lots of laughter. Towards sunset, Jeannie, Jessica, Wei Xing and I play imaginary net beach vollyball. Wow!! That's so cool.. Everyone at the beach think that the 4 of us must be crazy. "No net, how to play vollyball??" But we did!!! Great fun, lots of laughter.. You just couldnt imagine how we played with it. Wei Xing and I won!!! Hurrary!!!
How I wish baby is here to see my competition. Missed him badly.
tracy blogged on 2:25 AM
It had been so long that I have to wake up at 6.45am!!!!!! That is super early for me. Really cant get used to this timing. I dragged myself to the bathroom. Seeing my siblings are still sleeping soundly in their sweet and cosy bed. How I wish I can be like them. No need to work and earn a living for themselves.
Hey guess what? It had been ages that I eaten the bread which is in green and pink colour, in between there is a layer of cream. Superb ya!!! It brought back alot of memories. 14 years ago, I am still schooling in primary level. Booo.. Time really flies and now, I am slowly starting to enter the other side of the world!! The very ugly side of the world. I hate it. I dislike it.
Lunch time is at 12noon. Called up baby to tell him how's my first day. Chatted for awhile. Start missing him. Missed those days that I could see him almost everyday. Missed those days that I have my vollyball training, seeing the both of us at ssb almost everyday. Haiz... How I wish I could freeze the time!!!!! BUT I KNOW I CANT!
Memories of me and baby at ssb......

To my dearest sweetest baby,
Guess have to miss you badly. I cant be there with you every now and then, no more lots of training, chatting, laughter, chilling out, hugging, kisses, seeing your loving eyes, the way that you imitatite me and so many more. The list just can go on and on... Simply just too much for me to pen it down. You are just full of surprises and most importantly is your tender, love and care that you have showered over me for the past 2 months. Really appreciated that!!!!
tracy blogged on 4:39 PM
2nd Sept to 7th Sept05 Almost everyday, I have been at ssb to play beach vollyball with baby, justin, patrick, jess and jeannie. Was prety tired from all the games and utmost, I got darker and darker.
8th Sept05 Attended Terry's Wedding with Baby at Pan Pacific Hotel. Baby is one of his "brothers". So, he is quite busy for that day. Lucky that I have Patrick and Justin to accompany me. Otherwise I will be "bored" to DEATH!!!
First time sees Justin get drunk. He drank quite a lot. I get so worried. Towards the end of the dinner, he vomitied. At the end, Baby and I sent him back home and after that both of us went back to stay overnight at he hotel.
The room is nice and cosy. Baby and I was in the bath tube for an hour. (I guess lar). Was real shiok!! Really enjoy myself. Baby and I cant get to sleep. So, watched SCV channels. Guess we switched on the tv till morning.
9th Sept05 Baby is so sweet. Wake up super early to go buy Mcdonalds Breakfast. Alot of people find it weird to see him wearing t-shirt n shorts walking at suntec. Coz baby forgot that today is friday and people is still working on this day!!! Oh ya, almost forgot that my baby is on 2 weeks leave starting from 9th Sept till 18Sept05. Hurray!!!!
We left the hotel together with Terry at around 3pm. Went back to Terry's house b4 we head towards Chua Chu Kang to meet Adeline for teaching Baby's step daughter for a swim.
Baby's step-daughter is afraid of the water. She keep on screaming and shouting for mummy!! So poor thing. Guess have to do something to let her feel safe when she is with us. But we had fun.
Dinner at Pastamina at Causeway point. Gave baby a aurprise by buying bdae cake for him at Four Leaves.
10th Sept 05 It's Baby 27th Birthday. Baby's dad has prepared a meal for the whole family. He also buy a bdae cake for him. All of us sand him a bdae song. Was so funny. After cutting the cake, baby and I went down to ssb to play vollyball. Was so tired.
12th, 14,15 and 17th Sept 05 Baby and I have been at ssb to play beach vollyball. On the 17th Sept, we have a mini vollyball competition held at ssb. It is organised by the "Nuah" Group. Guess wat? We have to reach ssb at 8.15!!!! So early.... No ppl will go down to ssb so early lar.. Only us lor.. Siao ppl.. So, baby and I meet up with Justin at 7am at Bedok Bus Interchange. Then headed over to harbourfront Mcdonalds to meet up with Patrick to buy breakfast. We are the early birds lor. No one is there, except us. Beach is so so so quiet!! Cant really get usedto it. All the couples are in a team. So that means that Baby and I are in 1 team. Whereas the rest have to drawlot for their partner. Ladies get the chance to choose first. Is fun... But is just way too early..
In the night, Jeannie and I played some fire works, having some mooncakes. Coz tml is mooncake festival!!! Have alot of fun. Alot of the regulars stay back at ssb to post celebrate this festival. They played games like zero-point (which I had played in my pri sch days lar), lanterns, fireworks and many more....
tracy blogged on 2:05 PM
Starting from the 1st Sept, I will be free. Hmm... Finally there is holiday for me!!! And also spend more time on my beachvollyball n with my baby too.
Must Train hard for the upcoming competiton ya.
tracy blogged on 1:40 PM