Meet up baby for breakfast at PS Macdonald. As usual I was late. But he is always be there waited patiently for me w/o any complaint. He had ordered one of my favourites->Sausage Egg Muffin and he has hotcake.
Chatted alot of stuff. I was telling him how stress I am when I went for my service during Sunday. I really don't know what to do. Seriously, it beat me down on hard ground. I love God!! Definitely I do.... He have give me strength in whatever I do. I believe in Him.. Still remember what Huiling had told me "He is a tempetation that God have put me in the test"!!!! This sentence keep ringing in my head. What am I suppose to do??? Please!! Please!!!
But whatever it is, is my decision to decide what to do with it. I will bear the consequence.
After having breakfast, we go ahead to breadtalk to buy a small piece of cake for Jeannie. She doesnt know that both of us are heading to ssb today, as well as for Justin and Patrick. All of us wanted to give her a surprise. Hee~~
She is happy to see us there. We sang her a birthday song. Her face is red! So cute! Like she feel so pai seh.. Unexpectedly, Kenneth is oso down at ssb today.
Played alot of matches at ssb. Being pair up with baby to play. Yeahhh!!! Finally, I have improved. Tremendously!!!! Serious, no joke k? Seems all my effort is not wasted. Hee... :) Managed to play 2 verses 2 without any major mistake. But there is still room for improvement. Need to work extra hard ya!!! So that in the future I can pair up with my baby to play real matches at ssb.
Was really tired from all the match that we played. The tiredness had caused us to lose concentration. Cant really focus well and since the both of us are exhausted, both of us just simply lazy to run for the ball. This is bad! Real bad! But we are real TIRED!!!
No Joke.. Seriously drop dead. Today dive alot of balls. Real tired, skin on the lower part of the leg peel off. The sand is rough, it rub off the outer layer.. Gone case for my leg le...
Dinner was nian tou fou.. Healthy rite? Plus not forgetting our sugar cane drink!!!! After that Patrick, Justin, Baby and I went to chill out at HarbourFront Maconald. I had my hot fludge with extra chocolate!!! Kekekeek... Super nice and Yummy!!!! Simply love it!!! Coz I love chocolate, so does baby. We even play Big 2 at Macdonald. Hee.. So nice of the manager that they didnt asked us to keep the cards away. So sweet rite?
Reach home at ard 11pm. Real tired... Chatted with baby awhile b4 I dozzzeeeeee off......
tracy blogged on 1:47 PM
Hmmm... Today is SATURDAY!!!!! Is always have been the day that I always looking forward to. I can have my beach vollyball at ssb. Really love it sooo mmmuuccchhhh.
When I am about to knock off from my work, my boss commented that I looked so "DARK"!! She even asked me to put on sun block, She even said that "Can you imagine that if you don't put on the block, you will age faster". I don't even care about this. Is not that I tanned myself on purpose, is just that I got this colour when I was playing vollyball. What can I do then?
Reach ssb at around 2pm. There a competition held there. So, quite alot of people, but the regulars seems to cut down quite alot. Guess must be the competition had taken some of the courts. That's why some of the regulars didn't come. Saw Joyce and the rest of the regulars that I am much familiar with->Ken, Andy, Lan Xing, Jason, Kenneth, Cheryl and ....... Too many to list down.
Misses Jeannie. She didnt come to ssb today. She is out of town, misses her badly. Misses my baby too!!! Ever since the day that we had been together, I had been down to ssb with him and his group of friends->Alfred, Jeff, Patrick and Justin. We became closer and closer. As for today, none of them appear at the beach. All of them have to WORK!!!
I really miss baby so much. Just couldnt figure ot out why? Misses every single little thing of him. Miss those vollyball session that I had with him, He teaches me everything he knows, be there for me when I am physical tired and giving me encouragement whenever I needed them most. Miss his cute little face, his cool look with his shades on, there are still many things that I miss about him. I cant pen down all of them, simply just too much!!!
Today, I bum alot of ball with Jessica. Alot of people said that my vollyball skills had improved tremendous. Some of the regulars are quite surprised. Of course they are happy for me. At least all these training that I had, it made me somewhere. I see myself moving towards it. All thanks to the regulars there at ssb, who is willing to coach me w/o any condition apply to it. They are the best!!!!
Had quite a few matches played. Nice, and I see myself improving. I will practice more, and achieve more!!!
Time flies, sun down moon up. Is time for me to pack and have dinner. Had dinner with Cheryl and her bf->David at the hawker centre near the bus-interchange. We wanted to have the tom yum noodles, but the stall didnt open today. Sob Sob.... But I still managed to have my sugar cane drink!! Is nice... I loved it!!!! Have a good chat with the both of them. Hope they dont mind that I had join them for dinner. If I wasnt there, they will be enjoying the meals together, w/o me as a "BIG" gooseberry there! Hee.. But the both of them said is fine. So sweet!! Have a great chat with them over the dinner. I am happy for them. Coz they are going to ROM at the end of this year!!! Wedding bells is coming!!!! Really happy for them. Cant wait to attend their wedding!! Hee....
Was really tired of the games and the bumming of the balls that I had today. Need to replenish myself.. Byieeee!!
tracy blogged on 1:35 AM
The weather is not good.
Raining all the way. Really din't like raining days. Didnt go to work today. Meet up with baby, jeff, patrick for breakfast. Alfred is late.
Have fishballs soup, tou jiang and you tiao, a glass of milo. What a heavy breakfast I have. The weather is super damn cold. Real cool.... My body just keep shivering. Baby said I need to buy jacket. But I don't want to waste money just to buy a jacket for the weather.
But the guys insisted that I should buy one.
Finally, I got one at suntec Adidas store. Real nice but expensive too!!! But baby said is okie. He will pay for it. ~~Sooooo Sweet~~ I also bought a top there. Guess what? I am entitled to 30% off. It is from baby's sec friend who is working there who help us save quite a bit of $$ from the discount. Hee... Adidas is my favourite sports brand. Is cool and nice. Simply just love it so so muucchhh...
Not long, Justin and Thomas came to join us at cafe cartel. We wanted to have the waffle ice cream! But the ironical thingy is "THEY DIDNT SELL FOR TODAY!!!!" What a disappointment all of us have on our face.
We didn't give up pn our waffle ice cream cravings. So, we headed towards Marina Square hoping to see whether got any cafe that sells good waffle ice-cream. Yes!! Indeed we came across one of the cafe. The ambience look quite alright, but the poster they put up with their menus on look so tempeting. Especially the waffle ice cream and the mudpie!!!!
So, the whole group of us went in and give it a shoot. But the service was bad!!!!! Real bad!!!! I will never visit this cafe again!! The service is so lousy. The waitress even give us an attitude. What is this man? Halo... You are in the F & B line and you suppose to serve us with your best service. We did pay for service charge. Just do not like it. Tha's all.
We had a great time laughing all the way through. All of us are shivering.. Coz everyone of us are wearing berms and singles (guys), as for me I am wearing a pair of shorts... Just so cold, nobody dare to order any cold drinks. We just had ourwaffle ice cream there. But the scoop of the ice cream was REAL BIG!!!! Jeff's waffle was covered by the ice cream, hardly can see the waffle. The waffle is just okie. Nothing in particular. Patrick's waffle was over burnt, same goes to Alfred's waffle. Haiz... Really no standard.
Guess good times need to part. Baby and I left the rest at ard 4.30pm. Coz later part of the day, my baby had a basketball match held at Yio Chu Kang. It is played against of one the the police division.
First time sees my baby play basketball. He looks so serious. Totally, he look way different from playing vollyball. Baby was disqualified after a agruement happened in the court. Is the opposition faults!!! I saw it with my eyes. Arrgghhh.... All refrees are cock eye one lar... Hope my baby is okie. But he seems to be okie.. I was quite worried for him. As he had hurt his knee and tight from the last tournment, so was quite worried that the old injury will come back.
Reach home sooooo tired......... Time to zzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!
tracy blogged on 1:42 AM
My baby have to work today. Is sunday you know that? Haiz..
We had Mcdonalds Breakfast at Tampines Mall. Is nice. Super long long time since the last time I had my breakfast at Mcdonalds. I had sausage Mcmuffin and baby had hotcake w sausage and a egg mumuffin. Super nice, maybe both of us are too hungry. Hee~~
Took the train back home. Baby alighting at Clementi. He need to reach NUS Culture Centre by 10.45am for his work. Later meeting baby for his mum bdae celebration.
Went home to clear my stuff, see my siblings. Missed them, chatted with them. Took a nice long shower...
Changed into jeans and white top.. Meet up with baby at Jurong Point at 2pm. We even managed to catch a movie->Bewitched before we head to bedok to meet up with his rest of the family members.
After movie, the time is still way too early. So we decided to take bus 30 all the way to Bedok. Guess what? It took us about one and a half hour to reach there. If we take train, it doesnt need so long...
Meet up the rest at 6.30pm. Is dinner time.. Yummy... Have normal meals with his whole family. This is my very first time that I had dinner with his family. Initially, I felt so awkward, uneasy. Gradually, the feeling just subsided.
Didnt went shopping with his mum coz he need to be at his friends house to help him submit his MC. As his friend injured his hands. Real bad. Hope he is fine after the 1 month MC.
After that we went to Century Square and Tampines Mall to do some shopping before I headed home. Haiz... Whenever I think of travelling back from tampines to boon lay. It just make me so tired. It reminds me of the schooling days that I had with TP for 3 yrs!!!
Reach home at abt 11pm. Tiirreeeeddd~~~~ Need to rest early. Tml have to work...
tracy blogged on 1:14 AM
Hee.... This saturday, is not my turn to work. I can fully enjoy it!!!
Baby and I wake up at around 8 plus. Both of us was lazing around till around 10plus. I guess so. Have our lunch at bedok market, food there is nice. I had roasted duck noodles while he had duck rice and we share 1 plate of fried carrot cake. Hmm... seem to have too much for lunch. Guess later need to bum and play more at SSB.
We took bus 30 from bedok interchange to SSB. The weather is not that good. Was cloudy while we are on the way to SSB. But baby and I thought that it is just passing clouds, hope it doesnt rain. Haiz.. Once, we are in the bus that took us into SSB. It rained heavily. Cant even possibly see clearly what's on the road. Seem to be so misty.
What a day!!!!
There is an event at SSB-> Vollyball competition till 4pm. Just hope that wouldnt be too crowded at SSB.
Baby and I had a cup of cafe mocha at delifrance while waiting for Jeannie and Lewis. Waited for the beach line, super damn long.
Finally, reach SSB!!!!
Baby and I run on the beach. Nice and shiok!! Both of us jogged together. In the meanwhile of jogging, perspiring, tiredness, we still managed to catch the scenery of the beach. Nice.. Cool weather too!
Really bum alot of vollyball.. So happy.. Finally, my skills improved. Reaction is much more faster, my spiking is better, but have to work hard of controlling of the balls. Need to use my leg to push up the balls instead of just using my hands. **WILL WORK HARD FOR IT** Today, my baby played quite a few matches. His performance for today is not bad. Good!! Thumbs up for u Baby!! Seeing him playing in the court is so difference. His focus on the match, the way that he enjoyed himself while playing, every single movement touched me.. OoPS!!! A bit mashy rite? Hee.. Just love him sosososoooo muuuuccchhhhh...
We left SSB at around 7pm. Had our dinner at the hawker beside the bus-interchange. I had duck noodles, while my baby had ban-mian and we shared a plate of fried oyster omettle. Yummy!!! But my baby said that the bowl of ban-mian cannot make it. So we took note of the stall and in the future, we are not going to visit that stall again.
Accompany him back to his office to get some stuff and we went to Marina Square to meet Justin and the rest of his friends at Coffee Club.
Wow!! Marina Square really changed alot.. Nice, alot of new shops.. Hmm.. Next time shall go there and do some shopping spree~~~ The air-con in coffe club was super cold.. I am freezing. Can you imagine that I am wearing a short and a tank top. How to survive... Argghhh!!! The service there is a bit slow. Waited quite long for 2 glasses of ice water. Maybe newcomers still dont know how to serve or maybe they are too busy that they had forgetten our orders.
Leave coffee club at around 10.20pm.
Went to catch bus 518 back to baby home. While we are waiting for the bus, we saw Wei Xing and Lewis. Went over to say hi to them, chatted for a while. Both of us waited for the bus like for an hour or so.. Feeling really exhausted, tired, frustrated!!!!!! Both of us are JUST DAMN TIRED!!!!!! Where is the bus????
Finally, both of us took a cab home. My shoulder blade knocked onto the sides of the cab, guess is going to have a big blue black on it. But at that moment, really wish to get to baby house and get to the bed and rest.
Have a wondeful, splendid but tiring day!!!
tracy blogged on 12:43 AM
I had a long day at work. Was feeling really tired, my eyes hardly open up. My mind couldnt focus on the screen for too long. Seeing alot of figures, more and more figures were coming.. made me feel giddy. Real giddy.. Is like my head is spinning non-stop. Furthermore, the weather was raining/drizzling. It is a good weather to slack and it make me feel like going to ssb. To enjoy the people over there, the environment, almost everything!!! I MISS SSB!!!!!!!
My baby is so sweet to message me asking "What are you going to do after work?" Supposely, we didnt plan to meet up today. As my baby is working in the night. But, he is so sww..eee..ttt... He asked whether want to have our dinner together before he goes to the office to clear some of his paper work. So, he picked me up at my office and we went ahead for our dinner.
After dinner, we took bus 65 to his work place. Initally, I thought that I will be sending him to his office, then I will go home after that. But things changed once we reached his office which is near PS. Then he asked me to wait for him for about 10-15 minutes, and after that he will be able to report off from his work, and he's free for the rest of the night.
So, I waited... Got bitten by some of the mosquitoes. Itchy!!! Hee.. But is okie...
Hmm.. After 15 minutes, my baby is down.. Is there any paper work which you can clear in 15 minutes?? Funny right? But I can say is real FAST.
Looked at our watch and it tell us that ->7.45pm!!! That's still early for us to go back home. So, we decided to go to PS and see what we can do.
Was walking in PS with aimless direction. We dont even know where to head to. Just simply enjoy the company of him. Seeing his lovely cute little eyes. Looking at his tanned, is just enough for me. Hhheeee...
Then we passed by level 3-> there is Secret Receipe, Level 5 have Gelare. Was real hard for me to choose where to chill out. Coz I like the cakes in Secret Receipe, and I love the waffles at Gelare. But as for waffles, the both of us still prefer the ones at Cafe Cartel. But the place was crowded with people. So, at the end we had chosen Gelare!!
Here, we come.. Gelare..
Ordered a cup of large cafe mocha (hot beverage) coz my baby is sick and a large waffle ice-cream with a scoop of chocolate overload. Yummy yummy... Delicious!!! But too bad, it doesnt have tiramusu..->Is both me and my baby favourites!!!!
Both of us never expected that we will be together so fast. We have a serious talk over our future and where we want out relationship to go to. Really never expect that we will have such a serious talk.
Was a bit quite shocked. But over all, the conservation that we have is good.
The interesting part is when we start asking "Hey, when did you start noticing me at the beach?" "What is the first impression that both of us have when we first see each other?" Alot of questions just came across our mind and we have a good laugh at it. Was really funny. Cant tell the details here.. Hee...
Chatted till around the cafe closed. It was drizzling over my area. Feeling cold when I was walking abck home. Reach home at about 11.15pm. Quite late and baby was worried for my safety. So, gave him a call to say that I had reach home. At least he will feel at ease. Over the phone, knowing my baby is tired, we didnt chat too long on the phone. Baby need to report for work at 9am tomorrow, so am I.
Feeling real tirrreeeedddd.... Tatat......
tracy blogged on 1:46 AM
Wow!! Time really fly pass.. The day I have been looking forward..->Saturday!!!!!
Coz is the day I can go down to the beach n play my beach vollyball and some gathering with the regulars and also to get to know more and more friends.
I took a cab down to ssb with Jason. Chatted while on the way there. Jason was talking abt some issue that he faced with his gf. I hope everything will be fine for them.
Reached there quite late. I think is around at 2 o'clock? Or maybe later than that. Old, aging, cant really remember the time.
Feel so good!! The sun, the people, the sand, the wind, the air, simply just everything at Sentosa make me feels so relax and relief.
Then meet Lewis, Wei Xing, the other group of regualrs. I thought they will be down on Sunday. Was wuite surprised to see them on Sat. Chatted with them and bum balls with them. Oh no!! The sun is bright. I hv been burned. So, I must avoid it. So, meet up with Samson and the rest of his gang. Talking session cum playing poker.. Hee.. Cool huh? Playing poker cards [Big 2] at beach!!!
For today, I didnt play too much of the vollyball, just bum the ball. More kinda of relaxing myself. Haven recover from my sickness. Need to rest.
I left sentosa @ around 5 to 6pm. Going out with Samson n his gang->Wind, Patrick, Justin, Alfred. Guess never left out any of them. :)
We went over to Plaza Singapore, as Samson need to buy his new Hp->O2 Mini, which he always wanted to buy. He said tt phone suits him better. Then he uses my sony erission phone->T630 to trade in and a $100 vocher to buy. Then u all must be wondering, what phone I am going to use?? No worries... He passed over his current phone->Nokia 6680 which is a 3G phone to me to use. Although is a 2nd hand phone, he just bought it a few months back. I am alright with it. Is nice. I liked it. Thanks Samson!!! Hee...
But the queue is long. Well, is a Saturday. What do you expect?? Guess Samson and I had waited at the starhub store for almost 2 hours.
Finally, is time for dinner. We have monoglian buffet suited at Park Mall at level 4. The buffet is sucks. not nice at all and is so damn expensive. Sasmson and I said that this will be our first and last time coming to this restaruarnt!
After dinner, the whole group of us went to watch soccer match at some of the cafe at PS. Samson busy with his new hp, some of the guys are watching and the rest just simply sit down and chill out. Tiring day I have... Need to rest.. Tata~~
tracy blogged on 12:49 PM
2 weeks down.. I have been sick for so long. Can you imagine that? Have to take medication. I hate it!! But no choice.. Otherwise I couldnt get well. The cough syrup just make me drowsy.. Hardly can concentrate on my work.
Doctor even ask me not to go setosa for beach vollyball for A WEEK!!!! I couldnt do it. Seriously, I cant. Simply because I just love the sun, the beach, the games that I have and most importantly the regulars. Just couldnt obey the doctor's advice.
Sweetest things happen so sudden that I dont know whether I am doing the right decision.
Tomorrow is saturday!!! Huarry.. I can go down to the beach and have my games. :) Tata~~
tracy blogged on 4:32 PM
Something happened at the office, my colleague, Juliana's Handphone was missing. The case is still under investigating. Hopefully, the culprit will return on his own records. My colleague have gone to file for police report. Let's see any progress from them?
Then after work, meet up with Candice and Ivy for dinner at Suntec. Actually, there are two places that we are considering for our dinner->Congress Kopitiam or Kenny Rogers. But Candice insisted to have dinner at Kenny Rogers. I was late. So, Candice and Ivy go in first. (Coz they eat real SLOW!!!!!). After having the dinner, we headed for our dessert->Gelare Ice Cream Waffle!!! Coz evert Tuesday, the waffle sells at half price. Why not grab a bite???
 =the description of the water=
Here comes the waffle.......
 =Candice's waffle->Flavour is Chocolate Overload with Chocolate Syrup=
 =Ivy's waffle->Flavour is Chocolate Overload with maple syrup=
 =Hey, it's mine!!->Flavour isChocolate Overload and Rum Raisin with maple syrup=
Nice rite? Hmm... Yummy!!! Is delicious... Really enjoy ourselves there. Too full to even walk around. But we manage to pull ourselves up. Went for a few rounds of window shopping. Got nice clothes. Feel like spluring.. But I know I cant.. I got plans.. So, cant spend too much, must save..
Reach home at nearly 11pm.. Real tired.. I slept soundly on the train. Is Ivy who wake me up. Otherwise I will be alighting at the wrong station. Thanks for that Ivy!! Real tirrrreeeeddddd................
tracy blogged on 12:56 AM