Huarry!!! Is saturday again. Looking forward to my vollyball and tanning session at Sentosa.
This saturday I have to work half day. So, I have been staying in the office till 1pm. Suddenly, one of my agents come to the office saying "Outside raining heavily"!!!!!!! Can you imagine how I feel when I heard this????? My heart sunk deep down to the deep blue blue sea~~. I have always been waiting towards weekends. As this is the only time that I can do the things that I love/like. Guess is just not my luck today. For the past few days, the weather is good, real good. Sun is bright up in the sky, hardly can see any clouds. BUT WHY?? RAIN COME TODAY????
I keep on praying that the rain will stop. No matter what happen, I will still go down to sentosa to have my games. Although there is no sun, that doesnt mean that I cant play my vollyball. Right?
So, head towards to sentosa after my work at 1pm.
Meet Jason and his gf at bus interchange at 2.15. But both of them are late. kekeke... Wow!! Fnally at 3.15pm we had reached sentosa!!! The weather is real good for playing vollyball. the weather is so cooling, air is fresh, the sand is soft and cold,sunset bay not crowded with people. Saw Lan Xing, Joyce, Ken,Andy, Cheryl and her bf->All the regulars there to play vollyball. Is a nice feeling to see them coming down despite of the heavy rain. Very glad..
Then have vollyball practising with Joyce who is Lan Xing wife. Nice game with her. Both of us practice for almost an hour->non-stop!! My T-shirt is all wet! Can you imagine that? In such a cooling weather and both of us perspire like "mad"??? But the feeling is SHIOK!!!
Played till 7.30pm. The sun is down, people are getting lesser and lesser. But that is a bad news for the ladies, it mean that the washroom will be packed of gers to BATHE!!!!! Which means there is going to be a long queue. Guess what I did? I took a hose and bathe inside the cubicle. Smart??
After bathing, Lanxing and wife, Cheryl and her bf and I went over to the marketbeside the bus-interchange to have our dinner. All of us are hungry. Our eyes almost "pop out" when we see the food reached the table. I have tom yum noddles. Nice, the soup is delicious. Spicy and sour. Real Nice, But I just dont know how to pen it down here. The serving size is also real BIG!! All thanks to Lanxing. Coz he is a regular customer of this stall->So we got special credits from him. Thanks!!! We have chit-chatting till 10 plus. Then all of us headed home.
Reach home around 11pm. Body starts to ache. Bad sign for me. It shows that my body need to rest and rupture. Otherwise I will be having real muscle ache for couple of days. Eyes tireeeedd... Brain need to shut down->Please press clt+alt-del ~~Tata~~
tracy blogged on 12:46 AM
Finally, the day had come..... It's Juli's bdae party. Really lookind forward to that. Coz, I hv regain my freedom that I have always wanted. Such as clubbing... There is no need for me to report my whereabouts to anyone. Isnt that good? I think so.. Oh come on, I am still so young, I just want to enjoy my life. Is there a problem?
So, rush home immediately after work. Doll up, preparing myself to Juli's Bdae party.
 =Hey.. Finally the bdae ger had arrived=
 =Bdae ger with me=
 =Natalie and Bdae Ger(Juli)=
 =Anyone interested for any cakes??=
 =Birthday Cake from Polar=
 =Hey, wat r we doing? Are we drunk??=
 =A group photo of us=
Nice clubing with them. They are my best clubbing buddies. I love u all. Really enjoy myself.
But I left early, as I had met Jason up for supper at Lavender Food Street (I guess is this place). Having supper with his parents. Sound weird?? I think so. But his parents are okie, great knowing them. Good chatter.
Reach home at ard 3am!!!! Suupppper tireeeedddd le... Love them so much..
tracy blogged on 4:17 AM
The Waking
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go.
We think by feeling. What is there to know? I hear my being dance from ear to ear. I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Of those so close beside me, which are you? God bless the ground! I shall walk softly there, And learn by going where I have to go.
Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how? The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair; I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Great Nature has another thing to do To you and me; so take the lovely air, And, lovely, learn by going where to go.
This shaking keeps me steady. I should know. What falls away is always. And is near. I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I learn by going where I have to go.
I liked this poem. How about you?
Real tired, but keep telling myself I have to FOCUS!! I have to FOCUS!!!! But is hard, I just dont know why. I am trying very hard.
Many things are ringing in my little mind. Too many things to think and wonder about. Job, work, family, church, my walking with God, my QT, friends, my beloved vollyball session, getting my degree and many more.....
Who am I to God? Why I have to be born to this world? Must be a purpose for me to live. Right?? But I cant sense it. Puzzle, really puzzle...
tracy blogged on 5:08 PM
Wow!! So fast, Candice 21 Bdae is coming le.. Time really flies passed us.. Meet up with Liting, Yufen, Jiunn Jye to go to Orchard to buy present for her. But onli left Jiunn Jye and me haven buy the present. A bit last minute rite? Keke.. Cndice wont mind de lar.. :) But the first thing we did was to fill up pur stomach first. Hmm... I think we hv Yoshinorya suited at Taka. Hee.. We are so lucky, no need to wait for tables. So so so long tt I had meals at there. Nice meal. We had a good chat there. Talking as way back to our sec sch days. Memorable memories... Happily chatting abt how we slept during accounts lesson, who's bitching in the class, how we had our recess and so on. The conversation just couldnt stop. I still loved my sec sch days. Oh well, who doesnt grow old? After the meals, we went ahead to the toy store at Takashimaya, guess is at level 3. Jiunn Jye bought a solar plant and I had bought a key chain maker and a Melody Bag for her->is her Favourites cartoon character. I hope that she will like it. :) The queue for wrapping up the gifts is super long. While waiting we took some photos.
 =Me and Jiunn Jye=
 =Yufen and Liting= After shopping, the time to go to Candice's house is way too early. So, we went over to Mos to have some chilling session. We had ordered the milk tea. Nice.. I liked!!! Chatted abt having drinks at Harry Bar saying we will go together the next time. Laughed all the way through over some lame jokes->Which I forgot!! Wahahahahaha... Just simply love them so much.. Wow!! Wow!! Time is passing, no time le.. Better stop chatting.. Now heading towards to Candice House!!! 1 Hour Later.......
 =The very first photo tt we took once we reach her house= Then wrote some notes in her well decorated book. Hee.. Is time for buffet!!! Yummy!!! The food is nice. The menu is Fried noodles, curry, sweet and sour fish, black and pepper pork with capsium, vegetables, tofu and eclair. too hungry le lar.. Not sure either, but the eclair is nice. The cream is smooth, the chocolate is not too sweet nor bitter, just nice. I ate quite alot of it. And it onli have 1 tray to serve. Heeee....
 =The very first photo that we took with Bdae Ger=
 =Nice photo? Seem like my Bdae rite??=
 =Girls with lollipop=
 =Sec Sch Friends=
 =Hey, what Wen Qiang is doing?=
 =Arent we cute?=
 =Me with Candice=
 =Ah Jeck and me taken when waiting to tk photo for Candice n Edmund=
 =Edmund and Candice=
 =Birthday ger with sec sch guys=
 =Birthday ger with sec sch gers=
 =Birthday Ger with Church frends, spotted me again??=
 =Ting Ting and me lying on the sofa=
 =Princess Tracy Tiffany=
 =Group Photo= Wow!!! wat a tiring day. Hope that Candice enjoyed herself. We are most welcome her to join us..->21st Age Club!!!!!
tracy blogged on 11:47 PM
I thought I could sleep more, but I cant. I took leave to return bck to sch for my diploma. As, my sch is at the eastern side of Singapore, I nd ard 1 n a half hour to travel there. So, there isnt any much difference for me. Wake up ard 7.30am, prepare stuff to go sentosa & gym session at the later part of the day. But the weather is nt gd. Very cloudy n NO SUN at all!!! I got so mad.. Jux dun noe y.. Supposely to to meet Ivan n Joe at sch for lunch at 11am. But due to last minute I hv to meet Jason earlier at the gym. So, I didnt manage to meet them. I missed TP mensa canteen foods->Especially the vegetarian & salad bar. So nice n cheap n the serving is big!! Too bad!!!!
Then went ahead to Pargaroon to meet Jason at the gym. I was late for 10 minutes. But he said is okie. We went ahead to buy sushi as our lunch to bring into sentosa to eat. Guess wat? Today, I m playing beach vollyball with Chen Han Wei & Ben. Celebrities leh!! Oh no!!!
Reached there ard 12.30pm ba.. I guess so.. Then it started to drizzle. Oh no!! Where is my sun?? I almost wanted to cry out. But at the end, the weather turned out to be juz fine for playing vollyball n tanning. The sun is nt tt strong, so we will nt get burned. The volyball session tt i had with them is nice. They taught me alot of things, n I managed to learnt spiking. ~Tt's cool~ At least I see myself improving. Need to play more often.
After that, Jason n I were in Ben's car to go to fitness first for our gym session. So, on the way we r chatting n Ben is a very nice person. Really.. After a long day at sentosa, I m super hungry, but at the same time I cant eat too much before the workout, because I will hv stitch. So, Jason said tt we hv some beancurd before we start. After eating we rested a while before we head for our workout. Wow! I sweat alot. Nice workout, the facilities is gd, ppl there is nice. Left there at ard 9.30pm.
After the workout, Jason n I are damn hungry. Jason suggested that we go over to his dad reataurant to eat. So, we went took a cab there. WOw!!! Nice food.. The steamboat sliced fish is nice, the soup is very sweet. I jux couldnt stop myself from drinking. I think I drank quite alot. :) Then we even had chicken wings n fried sotong. The meal is fabulous. Really love the soup alot.. Muack!! Thumbs up!!!
Reach home at ard 11.45pm. Was tired, body was exhausted. Need to rest......
tracy blogged on 12:41 AM
Just got to wear my new spectacles for my service at sunday. Is my very first tine wearing specs to church. So, everyone kinda got "shock" when they saw me with my specs. All of them said is a total different look.
Some of then asked me "Hey, r u tracy or tiffany?" I have two names after I been baptised. Hee...
At first, I couldnt get used to this new look. As this is my first time wearing this kind of frame. Need time to get used to it.
 =Hey.. Tiffany is here!! keke..=
This new look can be my twin sister le. So, if one day u see a lady look like this. Then is my twin sister.. k?? Hee~~ But I still prefer me not wearing specs. Any comments???
tracy blogged on 11:34 AM
Marriage?? It seems far far away from me. Hee~~ Found this in one of the website. I think is pretty interesting. :-) Wat's ur comment abt this??
Definition of Marriage: Love isn't love unless it is expressed; Caring isn't caring unless the other person knows; Sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included; Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage.
Is it true? I am not in the best position to comment abt this. Let's see abt tt..
I had just return from my bintan trip. Is a nice place. Really liked it so much. Will update the pics soon.. ~~Tata~~
tracy blogged on 3:01 PM
The whole day was in a lousy mood. New things to learn from my boss. Workload is getting as bit heavy. I cant let my eyes a rest. My eyes are tired and dry. Hardly can see clearly the screen of my computer. Oh no!!!! That's not good for the eyes. But what to do? My job. Working is no longer different from schooling. I have to grow, I cant possible stay stagnant rite? I dun wish and dont want that to happen...
Today collected my new spectales. Look weird on me, maybe is my first time doing a new frame and I cant get used to the new spectales. Hope everything will be fine. Looking forward to Friday, as I am not in town till sunday. I will be away for bintan trip!!!! Hope the weather will be good!!!!! :)
tracy blogged on 5:35 PM