Yesh!!! Finally finally I had the chance to blade. Do you know how excited I was? Oh no!! I just couldnt imagine I am bladding. It had been always my dream to learn bladding, is a nice sport and you can train your lower part of the body. Isnt tt great? Hee.. Jason and his friend Hendry, teach me how to blade. Wow!! At first I am real scared and terrified!!! Can you imagine that? I am afraid of falling, and of coz bleeding as well. But I have to thanks God that He gave me courage and strength to carry it out and of coz have to give thanks to Jason and Hendry. Without them, I think I will fall umpteen times. Both of them really take care of me. Felt so fortunte to have them around. They have patience to teach me. Coz I am the one who slows them down. Felt so embarressed about it. They keep on saying "Never mind, is okie. You will catch up one day right?" This sentence made me feel better. My mind feel at ease.
The weather at east coast is nice, sunny, windy and of coz nice scenenery. I really enjoyed myself. Although my butt hurts, is worth it.
So, after the bladding we went over to bishan to watch Initial D. It is a nice movie. I love it. Especially, the cars.. It just made me so excited. Seeing Jay Chou first time acting on the big scree. Is pretty cool. The cars are awesome!!! Story line is pretty good. The actors are handsome too. So worth it to watch. Hee.. :)
After the movie, Jason and I went over to the staty street at Raffles Place to have supper. The staty is nice, juicy and the sauce is superb!! Thumbs Up!!! The teh ta lei is also very nice. The queue for the tea is pretty long. Too bad Hendry cant join us for supper, coz he have to return home to report to his girlfriend. Hee.. No freedom.. :) We took some pics. Will update k? That's all folks. Is a long and tiring day for me. Need to rest. Tml have to go for service. Tata~~
tracy blogged on 11:58 PM
Since the day that I had cried bitterly. It helped me somehow to look at things at a different perspective and also to take things easy. There is nothing in this world that could actually hurt or harm me. My Holy Father, the almighty one who is always be standing firm in whatever decision he made and no demons or devils be able to deceive Him. But we as humans, is hard to resist the tempation that we would face in our walks of our life! Isn't that so? Help me Father Lord. Help me to stand firm. Help me to be consistent in walking with you Lord. I need to gain respect form others and from you too Oh Father!!! Amen.
Guess my feelings are overflowing. My philosphy of realtionship is like buying a right pair of shoes. If the shoes doesn't suits you. It hurts, torn your feet and you may want to dump or buy another pair of shoe that attract you. Sounds familiar? I think so. When we are with the wrong guy in the relationship. The guy will hurt you and somehow you will get hurt and ended breaking up. But is all different of you buy the right pair of shoe. The shoe made you feel so comfort and you will feel like wearing it again and again till it started to have holes or it spolied. But you have the tendency to find another similar shoe as the previous one when you start shopping. I really don't know to trust anyone except for you Lord!!!!
tracy blogged on 4:16 PM
Hmm.. My eyes are getting tired n tired.. Really falling asleep. So I take a little shot break to vist friends blog entry. One by one I scroll n read. Then when caome to ivan's blog... I find this!!!!!
 =James n I @ Sentosa=
 =Sandcastles= Nice rite???
 =Is that me???=
After Sentosa, the whole grp of us went for dinner at Sizzler. My Favourite Restaurant!!! I like their salad Bar!! So nice so yummy. Wish to go bck n taste it!!! Is real good, you all should go & give it a try. Trust me!
 =James n I @ Sizzler=
 =Jodin, he is the one who played the Bdae song for me!!= So sweet!!!!
While we are eating, there is one lady who approach our table n looked for me. But the funniest thing is that I don't even know her. At that moment she was holding on to a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate. She claimed that she is on "mission" to pass me these presents. But by the way thanks!!!!
 =Me holding on the Flowers= Still wonder who is the one?? Hmm.....
But I really enjoyed myself. Realy... Juz love them so so so much!!!!
tracy blogged on 4:53 PM
Recently, I had been a naughty girl. I had broken the mutual trust between the both of us. He is affected badly. He is so angry that he even raised his voice over the phone. This is the very first time that he rasied his voice... Really... I cried almost every night to sleep. My pillows were wet, my eyes are puffy, not in any mood to do anything else. I am really sorry, sorry... Really wish that all these things had not happen..
I hardly can sleep well for the past couple of days. Keep tossing around my beds. His emotion, his voice, his everything is running through my head. Why?? Everything have to turn up in this way. I don't want!! Really don't want!!!! Stop torturing me!!! I jux cant stand it.... Argh~~~~~ I know I am in the wrong, Please forgive me. I am willing to change and everyone deserve a second chance rite? Maybe I am not worthy to be deserve for the second chance. When is this going to end?? I don't kniw. Really don't know. Please don't ask me why? I am too sad to said about this.
tracy blogged on 3:30 PM
Hey... It was a fun nite chilling out with my colleagues at Cocco Latte Birthday Bash. It was my very first time there. The place is nice. Due to it's 1st Year Birthday Bash, alot pepople were there. Keep on drinking bourbon coke!!! Coz it's free!!! But the free flow end at 10pm!!! [That's early rite??]
 Me and Juliana dancing all the nite through!!!
 Juli and me got snap by one of the camera man while we are resting on the sofa.
Very nice and tired!!! But can't go there often. No $$$ to take cab home!! Hee.. :) Get to know Natalie Girlfriend, Jane and her friends. WOW!! There are so goreous!!!
 Aren't they beatiful???
 Beatiful Ladies with the Boss!!
 =Juli and Natalie on the dance floor=
 =The Ginger Bread Man & Robort= Cute rite??
 These are the Bosses of Cocco Latte!! Cool huh??
That's all Folks!! Will update more.. Love ya..
tracy blogged on 4:48 AM
Guess what??? I had forgetten my TP email password. That's a big problem for me. As I need to register online in order to go back to sch to get my Diploma. Abscent-minded?? Or?? The side effect of geTting "OLD". One word to describe->Troublesome!!! As have to call up TP and the staff keep on transfering the calls to other person in charge. It provoke me!!! Arggghhhhhhh!!!!! No efficient at ALL!!!!! But what to do?? It's my fault for not remembering my password. But I really want to go back to my sch to collect my Diploma. Finally, my 3 yrs of studying at Temasek Polytechnic had ended. That's mean in the future, I will not have to wake up damn early just to travel to the east side of Singapore to study!!! Hurray!!!! Isn't tt great?? But I missed those schooling days. It's fun!! Most importantly I missed my friends that i known from sch. Really missed them so much!!!!
But life still have to carry on. There is no way that you could stay as a student for the rest of the life. When we grow older more responsibilty just keep on piling up and times just rush like a grasp of wind!! So fast is GONE!!!!!
tracy blogged on 11:44 AM
Hmm... It's going to reach end of the month, & my work load hv slightly increased. Oh no!! Isnt tt bad? But kinda think, my time passed faster. Hee.. Times really flies!! My colleague hv taken 3 wks off for her wedding. She has waited 5 yrs to get married to her husband. Wow!! Can't wait to see her on Sunday. She must be pretty. But while she is away, her task hv been divided among me and another colleague. I really hope tt no BIG mistake will be make by me. I really pray hard for tt!! Hoping tt everything will be smooth sailing till she is bck from Bali where she goes for her honeymoon.
Tomorrow is Cody's Big Day. The dinner is held at Orchard Hotel. I hv not been there yet, so quite looking forward to attend his wedding dinner. My pocket is going to burn bigger holes. As there will be alot of my colleagues are getting married. [AH BAOS]!!!!!! Hmm..... Juz wonder when is my turn to get married..??? But reallly don't know what to wear for tomorrow function..?? Headache!!! Argggghhhhhhhh....
tracy blogged on 4:16 PM
Hmm... My fav actress is Fann Wong. She's so sweet, pretty, elegant & mostly her flawless skin. *Envy* Hee... Saw her in real person, nice figure. :)

Being admiring her since my sec sch days. She's look so perfect. But there is always ppl who dun like abt her. Hmm... Maybe give up tanning?? Let me consider first k?? But... Hmm... I think the percentage is quite low lar.. Tanning is a must must for me!!!! Hee.. :)
Will Update more pics.. :) Muack!!!!
tracy blogged on 3:42 PM
hmm... finally hv the time to meet up with them. Coz, now I m working n is real hard to find the "right" time to meet up! Our guys are coming in to NS soon n some are still schooling at poly. Juz wish them all the best. Quite looked forward to it as it was quote sometime tt I haven meet up with kiat soon n Jiunn Jye. They didnt change much neither. So did the gers. Although they are only 5 of us who turn up for the gathering, I strongly believe that in the future there will be more to come right? (Hope so???)
Oh no!! It smell so nice.. Perhaps I m too hungry. It had been abt 4 to 5 yrs since I went there. The food item changed. Now, there serve food. :) Good!! N at a reasonable price!!! But while we are eating, mosquitoes came to attack us!!!! I m the victim who get the most "bites" from them. Candice said tt maybe I m too tanned, tt's y all mosquitoes liked me!!! (Not Fair right??) Wow!! We have potong ice cream as our dessert. My fav flavor is red bean n I hv 2 of it. Real nice, super nice!! After all the food, all of us were bloated like a ballon!!! Jux couldnt walk probably!! (is bad for health) but the food is so nice, jux simply couldnt resist the tempation of it. Yummy!!!!
Since is still early, we went to Esplanade to hv some chit-chatting session n some photo taking session!!! (will upload here!!) but a bit lazy since I hv start to step into working world!! (Forgive me k?) Love them so much!!! See u all soon!~~~
tracy blogged on 5:28 PM