Hey.. Today, the refreshment for the Easter outreach is prepared by my cell grp->T3. so quite excited abt it. :) then meet Reginald, cindy n one of her friend for lunch b4 we proceed to ntuc. The weather is nt gd. it rained, so we took a cab to german centre. guess wat? cindy n reginald "quarrel" over a packet of chicken rice. coz cindy put the chicken rice behind the boot. then reginald said "where got ppl put food items at the boot?" funny rite? quarrel over this small issue. Juz couldnt understand?? When we reached there, all of us are busy preparing the refreshment. No time le.. Soon after, it is the outreach!! But I felt so bad. coz some of my friends bring their non-believer friends along. But how abt me? Haiz... :( Thought of bringing my brother to come. But he rejected. I really hope that God will speak to him! I wan my family members to be save n hv eternal life with me at heavens!! :)
During the outreach, we had view on the "Passion of the Christ". I jux couldnt stop crying. seeing Jesus suffered in such a horrible n humailting way!!
 this is the refreshment tt were made.
 Ivy n me
 our cell grp photo for yr 2005
After the outreach, reginald, wendy, cindy, angel n I went over to IMM for our dinner at Long John Silver. Then we went to one of the $2 value store to shop! Wow!! Alot of ppl. I guess must be saturday.
 Cindy n I took at the shop. nice?
 Wow! very cold in here!! Hee....
Wat a wonderful I had!! Isnt it? Tml is easter celebration. Lokk forward to tt!!
tracy blogged on 1:53 AM
Hi folks, long time never update wat I hv been doing recently. Bascially juz work n work n work. Nothing much to comment abt. Work life is like tt->from 0830 to 1800. Typical working office hours. But everything started to change when I went over for interview for Sales Consultants (Nutrition Focus) for Osim. It is an eye-candy for me. It caught my attention immediately. So, I went ahead of dialing n got myself an interview. During in the interview, nutrition was all in my mind, nothing else. Really!!
But when I meet up with Ivy to hv dinner at holland V [Essential n Brew]. The atmosphere is nice, n it is founded by a graduate from NTU. wow! Isnt tt wonderful. I oso wan. Coz my utlimate dream was to hv my own cafe. I will work hard to achieve this!! In the meantime of admiring all those things tt the graduate did for the cafe, alot of things was on my mind, qn being asked by Ivy kept on ringing in my head -->The very first qn tt she asked me was "wat happen to every sunday?" From this, it had shown tt I put work in first priority then God! Oh no!! wat m i suppose to do? The whole nite I didnt manage to sleep well. I noe this is serious. I dun wan to lose in the sight of God! I dun wan to back slide!! I really dun noe wat to do?
I told my family abt it. They give me support to pursue the things tt I wanted to do! It was my passion for nutrition tt took me this courage. Otherwise I would be travel all the way to TP to study this Dipolma. rite? At the crossroad now!!! I had been offered the job n I hv to quit the job at Singtel. But, when I accept this job offer, I hv to sacifice alot of thins like time spend with family n friends. Most importantly I would be able to go to church on a reguarly basis!!!!! Help God!!! I really dun noe wat to do? Is this the way tt u wan me to go? Is this my future? All sort of qn jux flash thro my mind! I cant decide. But I m young n really wanted to try out this job.
God, pls help me through this period! I really dun noe wat to do. I m at a loss. I dun wan to be a sheep. I wan to be a shepherd. I think now, I m at loss, totally loss!! I jux dun noe! But in the meantime, I m willing to work for my passion!! I think tt work with passion is essential. Isnt tt so? I dun wan to feel like dragging myself to work. Really nd help.. I really nd advice!!!!
tracy blogged on 1:10 AM
So fast rite? Mon was jux having my last paper n today I m working... Juz couldnt believe it. The environment is good, colleagues are friendly. But there is a lot of stuff for me to learn and get used. All the temp staff are A levels students waiting to enter uni. Some of them came from sajc. seems familiar? as most of my church friends oso graduated from there.
I was facing the com for the whole day. This is my first time doing office work. Thus, not quite get used to it. My eyes are tired, cant concentrate for long n felt tired easily. Oh no.. I jux hope that god will be there to bless me through these 6 months at aingtel. I need strength to carry on this work assigment n guiding me through the rite path that I should tk at my crossroad of my life. Amen!!
tracy blogged on 1:17 AM
Have been looking forward to this day. As we seldom meet up coz everyone is busy with their own stuff. They are my sec sch friends. Really missed them a lot. They hv been ard with me for 8 yrs. Wow!! Time really flies! This yr everyone of us hv to turn to 21 yrs old. I dun wan... sob.. :(
 sinful cake. But is my fav->Bitter chocolate cake
 Oreo cheesecake
 Bluberry cheesecake.. felling hungry??
 Taken after all the foods had been eaten up!
After eating, all of us were damn full. So, we decided to shop at PS. The first place tt we went over was spotlight. Candice was buying some stuff.
 hats from spotlight. Pretty rite?
After all the shoppping, it was the time to watch the movie [Hitch]. I had waited this movie for ages man. The main lead is Will Smith->My fav actor. He is so funny. I laugh quite loud... That me ma.. rite? I like the show mAN. Really worth it. Then after watching movie, we went to OG coz Liting was going to buy clothes. We shopped till OG wanted to close le lar.. Reach hoome damn tired. Tnl still hv presentation at NUH. Hope everything will go on smoothly.
tracy blogged on 2:49 PM
HmM.. Today i m having my last paper which is on Food Service Management (FSM). I jux couldnt believe tt my 3 yrs in TP is going to be an end, which mean in the future I would not nd to travel so far to reach sch n waking up so early! Huarry!! But I would defintely missed friends that I had known from TP. Cant bear to leave them.. Sob.. :(
So after having my last paper.. I went for some shopping at tampines mall n orchard.. I spent a lot.. Ohno.. My bank is going to broke!!
Then went over to my attachment company to pass the present to Sijia! Coz she is celebrating her 22nd bdae at NYDC.
 My fav salad from NYDC. nice rite? Yummy!!
 Bdae ger n me!!
 4 pretty gers....
 Taken with the monkey.. Isnt he cute? or me?
It was really damn full.. cant even walked out of that place. coz it was quite late. I took a cab home. Seldom spend money on cab but i think I m too tired for today. Hee..
tracy blogged on 6:22 PM
so nervous.. Hate memorzing notes n alot of stuff of the report.. Frecky nervous!!
 Wearing formal to present the FYP. Nice?
N I hate wearing formal wear.. Coz is so hot!! N we hv to look gd in this stupid wear!! jux so nervous.. I m scared.. Glad that MY groupmates calm me down. Everything went on smoothly. But ewe hv to go down to NUH to give this poster presentation to the staff there!!! Oh no!! I think that presentation will be more nervous!!!!!!
 My brother n I. Do we look alike?
Finnaly.. My brother willing to tk pic with me!! Had a hard time to persuade him to tk with me!! But do we look alike? I dun think so rite? keke... :)
tracy blogged on 9:02 PM
Huarry!!! Finally I had my very own camera le.. Is my 21 birthday present from my dearest mummy!! She is the BEST in this world!! Love you mum!!
 James n I at mensa 2.. Aent we cute?
 Baozhu n I at concourse.. TI TI dUI!!
 My MP groupmates.. we are mad after handing out FYP!! wat a relief!!
I m glad that my FYP report had handed in.. OH man!! Our hard work really pay off! FINALLY!! Juz wish that I could pass thid module.. I DUN WAN TO STAY BACK BECOZ OF THIS!!
tracy blogged on 8:50 AM
Looking forward to today.
First of all, James, Han, Yiling n me went to sentosa. Finally man!! Coz really missed the sun n beach vollyball I had. In the afternoon, Ivan, Joe, Yisheng n Kai Sheng joined us at sentosa too. It was really fun but some incident had happened which is James got a keep cut on his rite calf. Oh no!! I felt so guilty abt it. Soory James. He got cut when we r chasing the ball (in the sea), his rite calf rbu against the rock.. oh NO!! Must be painful.. Must get well k?
we lwft at abt 630... Must go back to sentosa again.. KEKE.. huarry!! Finally is dinner time. Coz I had my celebration held at Sizzler!! The salad bar... my favourtie!!! thanks for all the gifts.. I really like it very much!!! Then suddenly, there is a ger whom I dun hv any idea of it.. came to approach me n give me a box of chocolate n a bouquet of flower. Oh no!!! I dun even now who is she n there is no name card or anything else with the present!! I dun want o accept.. But all my friends asked me to accept it first!! So funny!!! Wonder who is the one??? But I like it.. iS totally a surprise for me.. First time leh.. But at tt moment, I felt so embarassing... Reach home quite late.. How i wish tt i not nd to bathe!!!! But i have a wonderful day!!!!!!!! Thanks to all of u!!!!!!!!!!!!
tracy blogged on 2:18 AM
Wow!! Have been waiting for this day.. Really felt stress up for these past few days. Didnt sleep well, panda eyes coming up le.. not pretty anymore..
 this pic is taken straight after completing the report. Finally....
But nightmare haven over yet. As my poster presentation haven started yet n tml I have a quiz on FSM!! Oh no... So much things to do yet not enough time... Help!!! I need more time....
tracy blogged on 12:26 PM