 This pic was taken at PDM lab interview. The cookie look like real one rite? But it couldnt be eaten coz we did mock up sample for our product! Hmm.. yummy!!
But after the interview, I m going to be stressful liao. Coz later I m meeting our supervisior for the final report of FYP. oh no! It was all at a messed! Our supervisior was quite disappointed with the kind of reprt we produced. Die le.. Really stress up!! Dun noe wat to do next.. This friday is the deadline le.. Now still at a messed!!! HELP HELP!!!!!!
tracy blogged on 11:10 PM
 This pic is taken b4 I tied up my hair.. n my new tanned.. Nice?
Hmm.. was quite nervous for my interview for csas. At the end, I was stuck at one the qn. My mind was too empty to think abt that qn.. But is over le, so dun think abt it further more. Was doing my final yr project.. real tired.. keep on telling myself that I m going to graduate soon le.. Juz tolerate for abt 3 to 4 wks more.. I will become a free bird!!!! All the best.. I jux pray that God will be there for me thro this hard time that I faced during this period of my life...
tracy blogged on 1:08 PM
Hmm.. Must be suprpised that y I had go abck to see them? Keke.. So long never see them le.. So miss them a bit lar.. Then it is still during the CNY seasons ma so Go there n visit them lor.. :) They were so suprised to see me!! It was a long time that the last time I has seen them.. It should be last yr september, where my attachment ends. Hmm.. Should be quite long already rite? keke.. :P
All of them had asked me whether I slim down le? Yes I did!! N I my tanned is darker n shine!! My colleagues were so envy of my lifestyle,which I noe when to enjoy myself n when to be serious with work. :) But in my policy, Live To My Life To the Fullest!!!!!
Then was afraid to greet the boss, coz he is always so fierce.. till now my impression of him still haven changed. But on the courtesy part, I still hv to greet him lar... rite? Time really flies man!! Went back to the company, all the memories that I had at the company flashes through my mind. Miss them so much!!!
tracy blogged on 11:28 PM
Erm... Nothing much for today lar... Like normal sunday lor.. Going to church for service then learn drums n hv gathering lor.. But it had been very long that we didnt learn drums le.. :( But is okie.. is worth to wait. After the service, I went to meet Joe, Ivan, James & Paul for the movie [Hide n Seek]. It was a nice movie. I like it, but I got a bit scared lar.. keke.. :P
When I reached home, my bro told me that they were ppl came to my house to share christ. I hv been living there for twenty over yrs.. This is the first time tt we encounter. I was amazed!!! I think God finally answered my prayer.. Keke.. But at the end, my mum didnt do much oso lar.. But this is a gd begininning rite? Jux hope tt God will continue to do the gd deeds.. :) Thank n praise you Lord!!
tracy blogged on 3:03 AM
Hmm.. graduation is getting nearer and nearer towards me. Juz couldnt imagine wat I would be in future? Working or further studies or working n study at the same time? Wat m I suppose to do? Pls tell me!! Such a headache.. Hv briefing on graduation.. ohno.. Time flies man.. In the wink of time.. ppl age n grow.. Me too!! But no choice.. Eventually, we still hv to leave our comfort zone n enter another phase of ur life. Isnt tt life is all abt? I jux hope that I will be doing the things that I lie in the future. *Cheers*
tracy blogged on 2:22 AM
First of all, I went over to Payer Lebar to meet Neonians ppl to go Daisy hse to bai nian.. But, I dun noe who is she.. then blurr blurr go lor.. Then I even asked.. "Who is Dasiy huh?" Then everyone start laughing the way... Coz I reember someone told me tt I seen her b4 one ma... Keke.. Me always so blurr one lar.. Dun worry... The activites done at her hse r those normal ones tt everyone will do at CNY lor-->Like gambling... But I never play lar.. Somemore I even took a little nap at her hse lor.. ekek.. :P Like my pwn hse rite?
We went to Marina Square to watch movie-->Constantine. But I didnt watch lar.. Only left James n I went for shopping!!! Yeh!! So long never go for shopping.. keke... Finally I bought a shirt for my interview skills.. But it had cost me$59!!! So expensive.. But is nice lar.. I like... :) We hv some laughter while shopping lar.. Especially at the Adidas boutique at suntec.. I laugh till my face so red... Coz I think my hair is very messy lar.. :) We oso wne to the He Pan there.. To tk photos n see see look look lor.. We oso try the bing tang hu lu.. It is very nice.. Oh ya.. Forgot to tk the pic of James eating lor.. U all sure laugh one.. Haiz.. Wasted man...
After the movie, we went over to boat quay TCC, as usual, talk cock sing song lor.. Till 11 plus... Wow!! Then again lor.. I hv to go home alone to west!!! I dislike most!! But wat to do.. Haiz.... Tml is Valentine Day lor.. No dates.. So sad rite?? Hope that I cn meet the rite guy for me.. Happy Valentine's Day!!!! ((In advanced))
tracy blogged on 12:37 AM
Hmm.. wat did I say tt leh? Coz, this yr is my first time paying a visit to pastor house. So quite excited abt it. The most happening thing is that Ivy n I took the wrong color code bus to his house. Then the bus took us 1 whole big round around tampines lor... So sick rite? Then, everyone was quite worried for us.. Scared that we will get lost at Tampines... :P All this hv to give thanks to celine lar.... Coz she told us to tk bus 293 lor.. Bbut there 2 color code of bus 293 lor.. which is red n green lor.. She so blurr rite? Same as me.... Blurr as sotong... :)
Then we r the last one to reach his house lar.. Then everyone had taken their lunch liao.. Feel a bit pai seh lor... But the food was very nice.. Especially the noodle... It was spicy!! My favourites!!!!! The cream puff is also very nice.. Every food is so nice.. But I scare I will put on weight... Then later no ppl wan me how?? Coz later in the evening, we r going to celine hse to hv steam boat.. Oh no!! For todays.. My calorie intake will be very high liao... Must exercise le.. :)
While procceding t0 her house, Ivy n I went to shop n save to buy ingredients fot potato salad.. The weather was so hot lor.. Haiz... :( Finally.. Reach her hse le.. But there is no rest for us lor.. Coz we helped out for the steam boat lar.. Then I smell so awful lor.. Coz I got fried foods ma.. So smell a bit weird.. :) Coincidence.. Most of the gers there wear pink lor.. so funnny rite? But it was nice.. :) Coz got me ma.. KEKE.. I noe that I m a bit thick skinned lar.. :P
Wow!!! The food left for us was a lot lor.. coz when is my turn to eat.. I being "distributed" to the last batch lor.. So, die die we oso must finish up all the food left.. Then we still hv ice cream for our dessert... So nice rite? But is sinful lor.. Then, Ivy, Wendy n I took a cab home.. From tampines to Boon lay leh.. so far lor... It was a tiring day for me.. N my stomach was so full tt I couldnt even get to sleep... Hope tt tml will be a fruitful day...
tracy blogged on 12:13 AM
Hmm... It seem to be the same for me lar.. Nothing much to do n start rotting at home lor... But during the nite, my family n I went to the UK Fun Fair which is suited at Woodlands Interchange. It was fun.. The games there are interesting. Surprisly, the crowd there is not tt huge! Surprise rite? Hmm.. Dun noe wat happen... Or maybe it havent reach wkend ba.. I think so.. How would I noe?? Reach hm with a spinning head.. Due to the rides I taken lar.. Lucky tt I didnt vomit.. Otherwise, it wouldnt be nice liao... Reach hm very tired... Tml will be a busy day for me.. Coz going to pastor hse for visiting n also going to celine hse for steam boat!! See ya~~
tracy blogged on 12:50 PM
Hey... It's me again. of coz laar.. my blog leh. keke.. :P erm.. Same as yesterday lor.. Nothing much to do at hm. Happily rotting at house lor.. But there is something to look forward to for today.. N tt is my mum, bro, sis n me r going to catch the movie [I DO I DO] by Jack Neo lar... At least there is something tt I look forward rite? Hmm... Hope tt this movie is nice.
While waiting for the time to pass, I had watched tv prog lor.. Nothing much... Thought of going for swim, but swimming pool is closed.. Haiz.. :( Then my mum n I went to Jurong Point to buy tickets first. Coz the crowd is huge man! But we r lucky, we still cn get gd seats for the movie... Then help my bro to buy a jeans from Giordano... He seldom shops wan leh!! Really headache man... Then got sales oso ma.. So help him chose... worry for him leh.. dun noe he cn get himself a gf ma??
The movie is funny. As expected lar, Jack Neo film where got not funny one de... There is 1 scene tt Sharon Au wanted to commit suicide... Then she said "I wan to die oso cannot, even the gas stove dun hv gas lor.. " So comical lor.. Wahahahaha.... Still got many scene tt is super funny!! keke.. :P U all go n find it out k? Then we will share the funny scenes together?? Then we had pur dinner at KFC lor.. Haiz.. had a hard time finding seats man... Everything is so hard to find.. feel a bit sian... Then no choice 5 of us hv to squeeze into a 4 seated table lor.. But we took another chair over lar... keke... Then my surroundings r full with bangdesh lor.. So scary rite? Soon after the meals, we went straight hm... Then we had some gambling on poker cards... okie.. tt's how I spend my 2nd day of CNY lor.. hope ttt tml will be better... (",)
tracy blogged on 12:20 PM
Haiz.. Everyone should be busy going to their relatives house to Bai nian. BUtexcept me lar.. For the past 20 plus yrs.. It had become a routine for me to rot at house! Unlike evryone is busy rite? Coz all my relatives r at Malaysia.. N every yr, My family n I didnt go back coz it is quite troublesome n this yr my bro is taing A levels.. So, he cznt afford to tk leave.. Really rot at house.. Then no choice lor.. Slept for almost whole day le.. N due to this, it had caused me had headache.. Coz I cant sleep too much.. Then the tv prog shown was also very boring lor.. Haiz.. Really feel like dying man!! Can understand how I feel or not? I wish some one will..
Finally, after dinner... Daddy asked us whether wan to go to Marina Square to browse the CNY goodies, scenery n etc.. At tt moment, my mind kept on telling me tt.. Yes!!! Finally we r going out le.. So happy.. But, when we reached there, the crowd was so huge tt it create a humid weather.. Although the weather is quite cooling, everyone is perspiring.. The feeling is not gd!! Towards the end of everything, we heard the spokeman said that there would be a fireworks display at 930. So, we wauted n saw the fireworks.. It was nice... Really nice.. It was splendid!! At least it made me felt worth of going down... That's all folks.. Hope that next CNy would be like tt... :P
tracy blogged on 12:48 PM
Finally The Day Had Come.......
Guess wat? My management team is on action le. Feeling nervous n excited at the same time. Coz is my very first time manage the whole lab, n if there is anything wrong... Die lor.. hv to learn to be flexible to cater to different needs. Rite? Everything went on smoothly... Hurray!!! I m so delighted!! But there is mistake benn made lar.. Where got so perfect one? coz at the end, we left with not much to eat, n the course meal we had is imcomplete de.. Eg. the main dish w/o the veg or meat lor.. Then the soup only the 3 of us hv it.. Haiz.. This is the very big mistake that we had made!!!!! We didnt plan it well enough that the food will be enough for everybody to eat... But we learn from our mistake rite? n in the future, the performance will be better.. I hope so.. :)
Wat a tiring day I had... But it was fun.. Really enjoyed myself...
tracy blogged on 12:09 PM
Buying ingredients for my Food Service Management Lab
Actually, today it should be my FYP day. It means that we hv no lesson, but we hv to work on our FYP. But, tml I hv my FSM lab running n we nd ingredients for our dishes. My theme for this lab is Thai-Chinese. So quite looking forward to it. So, the management team n purchaser meet at 930 at Tampines Mall to buy the ingredients required for the lab. But at the end, the management team was late. There is a lot of stuff to do, like for instance, we hv to de-frost the chiken, distribute all the ingredients according to each recipe n etc.. Oh no!! Headache rite?
The most interesting part was that all of us look like "auntie", during the purchaing, we go around finding the cheapest price that we could get.. N we hv to push the trolley ard the supermarket, coz not everyone is familiar with tt particular area.. Its so fun.. Coz is my first time having so many ppl shop at supermarket!!! keke...
After purchasing, all of us went to the lab to put the ingredients to their respective places. Finally, everything was settle.. But tml is my big day man!! Coz I hv to run the whole lab by my management team.. Very worried n excited abt it... Juz hope that everything will run smoothly... :)
tracy blogged on 11:17 PM