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thEsE HaPpEn YdAy lAr... cOz i m tOo TiReD To wRItE.. lAZy BuM RiTe? HeHE... :) aS uSuAl lOr... HaVe To woRk DuRIng thE dAy N GeT tIrEd Of iT. bUT ToDAY I HaD dId AlOt Of THinGS wHiCH iS tO Do A cHeEsECaKe, aS OBS wAnTEd To NOe WhEtHeR CoFfeE FlAvOUr caN Be DoSe InTo THe ChEeSEcAKe... So I M tHe OnE WHo IS tRyinG OUt. But, tHe ThinG Was TT i HaD not Done a ChEeSECAke B4.. sO.. Was QuITe NeRvOUs WhEn I rECeIvEd ThIs aSsIgMeNt FrOm My SUpERvisor. hAhA.. ThE fiRsT TriAL Failed.. As THe CASe Was tOo sOgGy N hAVe To ReDO AgaIN, n I dId LOsT sOME COnFIDEnCe OF mYsELF n ThouGHt tt iT wOUld Be dIfFiCult! But I sTilL WeNt On wItH IT.. HaIZ... nOw, tHe ChEEseCaKe WAs In THe fRIDgE... gUesS i HavE to See mY wONDeRFUl "cREATion" oN mONdAy lE!! HehE... HoPe Tt iT wOrKS... tHEN tOday HavE icE-CReaM Sale... GuESs wAt?? We hAd SpEnd OvEr $200 To Buy tHe IcE-cReaM.. hEhE.. I aLsO bOuGhT SoMe. iT wAS VErY CHeAp bUT We hAvE to Buy In BuLk LaR.. tT'S thE WOrST tHinG lAR... CoZ wE hAd TO Go Ard tO fInG PpL To ShAre ThE iCe-CrEAm... HeaDaCHe.... . Haiz.. Wat a day to work with.. I hate my attachment! But sometimes it was fine with me.. Jux for today ba... My boss kept on telling me tt I should think out of the box!! It was so stressful till i try to avoid him at the office. Is very bad rite? But wat to do? I m so scared of him... Can’t be help... Then guess wat? My creation had successes!! I m so happy.. i had try putting orange, blackberry, blueberry n lemon into chocolate cake... My colleague like it, but not all lar.. Overall terms.. the most welcomed was the orange one... N I felt a relief from there. At least there is some progress going on, n I m able to prove something to my boss... rite? Although is not much, I strongly believe tt there is more to come lor.. I have to keep on trying n trying until I successes.. rite?? Never say die!!! Praying tt tml will be a better day for me.. N God will continue to be with me.... . hmm... guess wat? I was late when is the time for my service, n I must reach Germen Centre by 10 ma.. n hehe.. At tt time, I was jux wake up! oh no!! Then i quickly jump out of my bed n quickly get myself changed. This is my very first time tt I wake up for service.. Then I went to tk cab down lor... haiz.. although is a waste of money, it is still worth it lar... So, after the service, Sabrina's mum came to ask me how's my wk? Guess wat? I cried instantly! As I was feeling fine during the service. Hmm.. Guess tt the Holy spirit in me wanted to say something to me? I also dun noe lar.. was quite puzzled.. :) Then her mum did pray for me n I felt better after crying out! This is my 2nd time i cried during service... Haiz.. n I thought the rest of the day would be a groomy day for me, as my feelings was quite low.. But, everything was getting better n better... After the youth, I was practicing drum. n as for today zhong fa teached me new beats. It was quite hard to catch it. But I told myself tt I shouldn't give up! As I didnt have music talent at all... So I thought tt the end of me. So, did I really have the talent to learn drums? I also dun noe... It was such a long time tt i never get to learn new beats le.. But is was okie to me as Ivy told me tt I should get my basic rite first before I get to learn more complicated beats... Isnt tt so? Slow n steady win the race rite? :) . hmm... dun noe where to start leh.. coz is a bit blurr now. yday candice,rebecca,calvin,wei qiang,edward,celin and me was watching the movie I-robort at JP. coz the show ended quite late n the previous day i didnt have a nice slp, so m feeling tired for these past few days. The movie was not bad coz my bro told me tt the movie is not tt nice. So i didnt expect much from the movie. But... throughtout the show, it changed my mindset toward this movie, as i m so touch by sunny( the robort), wat he had done for ill Smith, as he did prove to him tt robort isnt just a "thing" & at the end they became friends.. isnt tt wonderful... oh ya, must came back here. As I was saying, I woke up quite early today coz I m going to sentosa with my poly friends. It was such a long time tt i have not going out with them. As i dun really get so close with them, and the worst thing was tt, at first I was to give up on going to sentosa coz i didnt see any sun coming out of the sky... As I was in dilemna, coz my family oso wanted to have the day with me!! So I was quite reluctent to go.. But i still managed to know wat i suppose to do lar.. as i pray to God for answer.. :) At the end, I went to meet them, but i was late coz my mum die die want me to have my breakfast b4 i go ma.. :) so pai seh to let them wait! . |