Wow!! So fast, Candice 21 Bdae is coming le.. Time really flies passed us.. Meet up with Liting, Yufen, Jiunn Jye to go to Orchard to buy present for her. But onli left Jiunn Jye and me haven buy the present. A bit last minute rite? Keke.. Cndice wont mind de lar.. :) But the first thing we did was to fill up pur stomach first. Hmm... I think we hv Yoshinorya suited at Taka. Hee.. We are so lucky, no need to wait for tables. So so so long tt I had meals at there. Nice meal. We had a good chat there. Talking as way back to our sec sch days. Memorable memories... Happily chatting abt how we slept during accounts lesson, who's bitching in the class, how we had our recess and so on. The conversation just couldnt stop. I still loved my sec sch days. Oh well, who doesnt grow old? After the meals, we went ahead to the toy store at Takashimaya, guess is at level 3. Jiunn Jye bought a solar plant and I had bought a key chain maker and a Melody Bag for her->is her Favourites cartoon character. I hope that she will like it. :) The queue for wrapping up the gifts is super long. While waiting we took some photos.
 =Me and Jiunn Jye=
 =Yufen and Liting= After shopping, the time to go to Candice's house is way too early. So, we went over to Mos to have some chilling session. We had ordered the milk tea. Nice.. I liked!!! Chatted abt having drinks at Harry Bar saying we will go together the next time. Laughed all the way through over some lame jokes->Which I forgot!! Wahahahahaha... Just simply love them so much.. Wow!! Wow!! Time is passing, no time le.. Better stop chatting.. Now heading towards to Candice House!!! 1 Hour Later.......
 =The very first photo tt we took once we reach her house= Then wrote some notes in her well decorated book. Hee.. Is time for buffet!!! Yummy!!! The food is nice. The menu is Fried noodles, curry, sweet and sour fish, black and pepper pork with capsium, vegetables, tofu and eclair. too hungry le lar.. Not sure either, but the eclair is nice. The cream is smooth, the chocolate is not too sweet nor bitter, just nice. I ate quite alot of it. And it onli have 1 tray to serve. Heeee....
 =The very first photo that we took with Bdae Ger=
 =Nice photo? Seem like my Bdae rite??=
 =Girls with lollipop=
 =Sec Sch Friends=
 =Hey, what Wen Qiang is doing?=
 =Arent we cute?=
 =Me with Candice=
 =Ah Jeck and me taken when waiting to tk photo for Candice n Edmund=
 =Edmund and Candice=
 =Birthday ger with sec sch guys=
 =Birthday ger with sec sch gers=
 =Birthday Ger with Church frends, spotted me again??=
 =Ting Ting and me lying on the sofa=
 =Princess Tracy Tiffany=
 =Group Photo= Wow!!! wat a tiring day. Hope that Candice enjoyed herself. We are most welcome her to join us..->21st Age Club!!!!!
tracy blogged on 11:47 PM