It had been so long that I have to wake up at 6.45am!!!!!! That is super early for me. Really cant get used to this timing. I dragged myself to the bathroom. Seeing my siblings are still sleeping soundly in their sweet and cosy bed. How I wish I can be like them. No need to work and earn a living for themselves.
Hey guess what? It had been ages that I eaten the bread which is in green and pink colour, in between there is a layer of cream. Superb ya!!! It brought back alot of memories. 14 years ago, I am still schooling in primary level. Booo.. Time really flies and now, I am slowly starting to enter the other side of the world!! The very ugly side of the world. I hate it. I dislike it.
Lunch time is at 12noon. Called up baby to tell him how's my first day. Chatted for awhile. Start missing him. Missed those days that I could see him almost everyday. Missed those days that I have my vollyball training, seeing the both of us at ssb almost everyday. Haiz... How I wish I could freeze the time!!!!! BUT I KNOW I CANT!
Memories of me and baby at ssb......

To my dearest sweetest baby,
Guess have to miss you badly. I cant be there with you every now and then, no more lots of training, chatting, laughter, chilling out, hugging, kisses, seeing your loving eyes, the way that you imitatite me and so many more. The list just can go on and on... Simply just too much for me to pen it down. You are just full of surprises and most importantly is your tender, love and care that you have showered over me for the past 2 months. Really appreciated that!!!!
tracy blogged on 4:39 PM